Lecture Outtakes: Typography

I Shot the Serif poster by Tom Gabor

I Shot the Serif poster by Tom Gabor













We talked type on Thursday.

There are so many amazing typography and design resources on the web, it can get overwhelming. I keep emailing myself this stuff. There’s got to be a better way. Below are only a few sites that I’ve stumbled across.

Smashing Magazine is a wonderful design resource in general, and their font round-up is fun and inspiring. Dafont is also a fun site for cool, free font downloads for personal use (make sure to check the license terms that generally come with each download!).

At The Phraseology Project, enter a word or phrase, and their team of awesome designers will make it look pretty.

Check out Fonts in Use for beautiful design examples that incorporate every typeface under the sun (even . . . Comic Sans? Gulp).

Typographic Posters has some designs worth checking out as well.

Finally, many of you raised some very good questions about the licensing of fonts, copyright, etc. There is no quick layman’s answer, but Mark Monlux at the Graphic Artists Guild provides the most succinct answer.

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